pin- Glasser and Glasser, P.L.C. is open for business, including our payment center located on the 2nd floor. The firm has enacted safety protocols for the protection of our staff, clients and visitors. We strongly urge the use of electronic communications to assist us in providing services while protecting our staff and the public. You can contact the Collections Department by visiting our website. If you would like to make a payment on your account, access the payment portal at Our site is best viewed in the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.

Yearly Archives: 2014

Yearly Archives: 2014

March 27, 2014 – Michael Glasser to be recipient of Humanitarian Award

The Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities presented the 50th Annual Humanitarian Awards at the Norfolk Waterside Marriott. Michael Glasser was one of the award recipients. A lifelong member of the Tidewater community, Glasser has been involved in a number of organizations assisting people of diverse backgrounds and has followed in the philanthropic footsteps of his [...]

By |2017-08-04T11:06:27+00:00March 10th, 2014|Archived, News & Events|0 Comments